
Si cu banii luati si cu terenul suspendat

Comisia de Etica si Disciplina din cadrul UEFA a decis sa sanctioneze FC Steaua ca urmare a "incidentelor" si a scandarilor rasiste din timpul partidei Ludogorets-Steaua. Astfel, tinand cont ca suntem recidivisti, UEFA a considerat ca este cazul sa jucam cu portile inchise urmatorul meci din Europa League, acesta fiind contra celor de la Aalborg BK.

Pentru cele mentionate anterior, aceeasi UEFA a dispus amendarea clubului cu suma de 50.000 euro. Pentru ca s-au aprins torte si fumigene, clubul a mai primit 10.000 Euro amenda.

Siteul oficial al clubului noteaza:

Este regretabil ca, din cauza comportamentului rasist al unei parti a suporterilor Stelei, toti iubitorii acestui club sunt privati de posibilitatea de a-si sustine favoritii intr-o partida contand pentru grupele unei competitii de prestigiu, acest aspect afectand, in mod egal, atat suporterii de buna credinta, cat si jucatorii nostri, care nu vor putea beneficia de aportul extraordinar al sustinatorilor.

Speram ca aceasta decizie drastica si extrem de grava sa reprezinte un semnal de alarma pentru o anumita parte a suporterilor care, prin comportamentul nepotrivit pe care l-au avut la ultimele partide din cupele europene, au facut extrem de mult rau atat clubului, cat si intregii suflari ros-albastre!

UEFA mafia ?

Comunicatul oficial al UEFA:
"Friday 5 September 2014 10.44CET
The UEFA Control, Ethics and Disciplinary Body has taken the following decisions after incidents at the UEFA Champions League play-off second leg between PFC Ludogorets Razgrad and FC Steaua București on 27 August in Bulgaria.

FC Steaua București:
Incidents: Racist behaviour – Article 14 UEFA Disciplinary Regulations; Setting off and throwing of fireworks and missiles – Art. 16(2) DR; Improper conduct of the team (five cards and more) – Art. 15(4) DR

Sanction: The UEFA Control, Ethics and Disciplinary Body has ordered Steaua to play their next UEFA competition match as host club behind closed doors and has fined the Romanian side €50,000 for the racist behaviour of their supporters. In addition, Steaua have also been fined €10,000 for the setting-off of fireworks and throwing of missiles and €4,500 for the improper conduct of the team.

PFC Ludogorets Razgrad:
Incidents: Racist behaviour – Art. 14 UEFA Disciplinary Regulations; Improper conduct of the team (five cards and more) – Art. 15(4) DR; Insufficient organisation – Art. 16(1) DR; Pitch invasion – Art. 16(2) DR

Sanction: The UEFA Control, Ethics and Disciplinary Body has ordered the partial closure of Ludogorets's stadium during the next (one) UEFA competition match which they will play as host club, and in particular sector A of the stadium. The Bulgarian side have also been fined €6,000 for the improper conduct of the team, €5,000 for insufficient organisation and €5,000 for the pitch invasion.

The fight against racism is a high priority for UEFA. The European governing body has a zero-tolerance policy towards racism and discrimination on the field and in the stands. All forms of racist behaviour are considered serious offences against the disciplinary regulations and are punished with the most severe sanctions. Following the entry into force of new disciplinary regulations in June 2013, the fight against racist conduct has been stepped up a level – resulting in stricter penalties to deter any such behaviour."

Sursa: UEFA Disciplinary


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